Survey: America’s Most Enjoyable Way of Getting Around

Walking, Driving & Biking
(Photo credits: YouTube)

A recent survey asked 1,000 Americans what their most used form of transportation was and what their most enjoyable form of getting around was.

To begin with, there is no surprise that driving was the most commonly used weekly form of transportation at 65%. Walking came in second at 44% with riding as a passenger in a car at third with 35%.

What might be surprising is the rankings for the most enjoyable way of getting around. Below are the top eight forms of transportation with the percentage of people who said they found it enjoyable.

  1. Walking – 94%
  2. Riding a bike or scooter – 93%
  3. Driving a car – 89%
  4. Being on a ferry or boat – 89%
  5. Riding as a passenger in a car – 87%
  6. Flying on a plane – 85%
  7. Being on a train – 84%
  8. Riding the bus – 77%

I would be willing to bet the majority of people surveyed live in a decent size city. Walking to get around where I live would take way too long.

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens