Thomas Rhett’s Eighth Wedding Anniversary has been a Long Time Comin’

Lauren Akins and Thomas Rhett
(Photo courtesy Thomas Rhett Instagram – @thomasrhettakins)

Thomas Rhett and his wife Lauren will celebrate their eighth wedding anniversary on October 12th, and Thomas says, “It’s been a long time comin’ for sure. I mean, me and Lauren have definitely been to school together since we were in first grade but didn’t really know each other really well ‘til church camp about sixth grade.”

Even in sixth grade, at only 11 or 12 years old, Thomas knew Lauren was “the one.” When he met her at church camp, he says, “I fell in love with her that day. I was like, there is not a prettier human being that exists in this world and I was like, ‘I will figure out a way to marry this woman one day.’”

It took Thomas about 10 or 11 more years to realize his dream of marrying Lauren, because he says, “We dated for a little bit in high school and then broke up for a very long time and got back together when we were about 21 years old. And now we’re about to celebrate eight years of marriage, so it’s been a pretty wild journey with her.”

Lauren recently shared some of the trials and tribulations she and Thomas have been through during their marriage in her book, Live in Love: Growing Together Through Life’s Changes, including choosing to go to marriage counseling, but Thomas says, “I wouldn’t trade one minute of it, even the hard parts. When you find your soulmate, you just kinda do anything you can to stick to it, and for me to just be the best husband I can be.”

While Thomas has missed getting to tour this year, the pandemic has allowed him to really strengthen his bind with Lauren, spending quality time with her and living very intentionally when it comes to their marriage.