Could James Corden Replace Ellen DeGeneres?

Ellen Degeneres James Corden
Ellen James Corden YouTube Screenshot

The rumors have been out there for awhile now, but things don’t seem to be going great over at the Ellen DeGeneres show.

With all of the scandalous news that has been coming out of the Ellen show lately, some say she could lose her role as Daytime Queen.

There has been allegations of that the show is toxic, and behind-the-scenes bullying, mistreatment, and even rasicm. The show is now currently undergoing an internal investigation with WarnerMedia.

Although Ellen has not been accused of any wrongdoing personally, some employees have said they were told not to speak to her, or make eye contact with her if they saw her in the building.

Since those allegations have gotten stronger in recent weeks, new reports are saying that Ellen could be replaced, and that James Corden may be the man to do it.

Some are saying that James has always been seen as a potential replacement whenever Ellen decides to stop doing the show, and now with the harassment rumors, that story seems to have more truth to it than ever before.

I love Ellen, and am personally having a hard time hearing all of this horrible stuff, and only hope it’s not true. But, I suppose, if she were to leave, James Corden would be my top choice as a replacement as well.

On the other hand, can anyone really replace Ellen DeGeneres?