Having Trouble Finding Hand Sanitizer? Make Your Own


Are you having trouble finding hand sanitizer these days? Me too!

I tried to find hand sanitizer at 2 stores yesterday and had no luck!

We use alot of hand sanitizer at work, even year round because we all work in small confined spaces, and share numerous work stations in our studioes with hundreds of buttons and screens that we all touch for hours at a time. It’s a total petri dish. I would die if someone brought a microscope in and showed us what was really on the surfaces we share.

Flu season hit really hard this year, and as the concern over the coronavirus continues, the search for hand sanitizer is top of mind. That means everyone is looking for it, and it’s getting harder and harder to find as stores are having a difficult time restocking their shelves.

So, I thought…maybe I can make my own!

And guess what? It’s really not that hard. AND experts say it’s just as effective as store bought versions, so that’s GREAT news!

Most of us have rubbing alcohol in our bathrooms, and that’s the active ingredient in homeade hand sanitizer. Just mix 2/3 cup rubbing alcohol with 1/3 cub aloe vera gel, and if you want it to smell better add some essential oil. Mix it up and you are ready to go!

