Rod Blagojevich Out of Prison and Back In Illinois

Rod Blagojevich
Rod Blagojevich (Photo credit: video)

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is out of the Colorado prison and back home in Chicago after being freed by President Trump.

Blagojevich has been in prison for eight years of a 14 year sentence for corruption while in office. President Trump commuted his sentence calling it “excessive” and allowing him to return to Illinois Tuesday night (2/18/20).

Fox News reports from the video at the bottom of the page that Blagojevich said he has “everlasting gratitude” toward President Trump for his decision.

Blagojevich still maintains that he made mistakes but “I crossed no lines” and therefore is innocent.

Do you think President Trump should have freed Rod Blagojevich?

By: Buck Stevens