Brad Paisley Admits to Raising Kids in Bubble [VIDEO]

Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley/Photo By: YouTube
Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams-Paisley/Photo By: YouTube

Anyone who has raised children will tell you the greatest fear is the influences of other children and parents. My oldest was the one we could tell stay away and she would, but the second one was not as easy. We all know Brad Paisley can have a lot of fun pulling pranks, but he has figured out a way to do that and Nashville Kat says;

He keeps his kids in a bubble as for how he’s raising them. They rarely go on the road and would rather be on a bulldozer on the farm. Brad says, “when we keep them away from outside influences, it means the bubble’s filling them with our personal values, things that are important to us.

If we could just build a bubble, but sooner or later our kids will be exposed to all kinds of crazy things. I like the way Brad and Kimberly are raising them as values you learn growing up on a farm is priceless. When the kids turn 21, I’m sure dad will take them backstage and they won’t find coloring books and fruit.

-JD Justice

Here are some photos posted on youtube of the Paisley family.