What Kind Of Payments Are Included In The Stimulus Bill?

What Kind Of Payments Are Included In The Stimulus Bill?
United States Senate Chamber (Photo credit: YouTube)

Congress and the White House have reportedly agreed on a $2 trillion stimulus bill that includes direct payments to Americans. So what kind of payments can we expect?

The bill includes payments of $1200 for single adults, $2400 for married couples, and $500 for each child under the age of 17.

Everyone who earns less than $99,000 per year will qualify – about 90 percent of Americans. Those who earn more than $75,000 per year will see reduced payments.

As for how soon the checks will be sent out, it could be anywhere from two to six weeks – likely faster for those who have filed their taxes electronically.

What do you plan to do with your stimulus check?  Is $1200 enough? Have you lost income due to the outbreak?