Young people use abbreviations online and when texting a lot. Let’s see how many of these 25 commonly used ones you know. This could make you feel old or young depending on how well you do.
Fox News points out that using abbreviations did not start to as a way to be cool. It started because of character limits on social media. This soon migrated to texting as a way of saving time when typing.
There are some that pretty much everybody knows by now, like LOL means “Laugh Out Loud” and FYI means “For Your Information.” Most abbreviations are created by using the first letter of each word in the phrase, but not always.
Let’s see how many of these 25 commonly used online abbreviations you know.
1. DM: Direct message
2. JK: Just kidding
3. BRB: Be right back
4. TBH: To be honest
5. IRL: In real life
6. NSFW: Not safe for work
7. TTYL: Talk to you later
8. NBD: No big deal
9. IMO: In my opinion.
(Or, IMHO is “in my humble opinion.”)
10. FTW: For the win
11. SMH: Shaking my head.
12. IDK: I don’t know
13. IDC: I don’t care
14. MSG: Short for the word “message”
15. OMW: On my way
16. G2G: Got to go
17. TFW: That feeling when
18. MFW: My face when
19. ILY: I love you
20. IMU: I miss you
(Yes, a ‘U’ even though the word “you” starts with a ‘Y’.)
21. ICYMI: In case you missed it
22. SRSLY: Short for the word “seriously”
23. TLDR: Too long, didn’t read
(Technically, there’s a semi-colon in that one: TL;DR.)
24. BAE: Before anyone else
(Bae is also slang for “baby” or “babe”)
25. SOML: Story of my life
How many did you already know?
By: Buck Stevens