If You Are Over 30, You Can’t Hear This

Can You Hear This
Can You Hear This

If you are over 30, you probably won’t be able to hear some of the following sounds.

They say as you get older your hearing stops working as well and certain frequencies are harder or even impossible to hear. In fact, between 25 & 30 there are sounds that will make teenagers screech, but those of us over 25 will not bat an eyelash.

So, let’s test it out…

Can you hear this?


Hopefully, everyone SHOULD be able to hear that.

How about this…14,400 hertz. This might be hard for anyone over 25 to hear.


I can hear that one, but barely…what about you?

How about this one? They say this will actually drive a teenager CRAZY, that’s how well they can hear it, but over 30? Yea right. You probably won’t hear a thing. This is 17,400 hertz.


This next is 18,000 hertz and NO ONE should be able to hear it, no matter what age you are. If you can, you should be wearing a cape and be able to fly because you are a superhero.\


Try #3 with your teenager and see what happens!
