Teen Asks Wrong Girl To Prom In Viral Video

Photo Courtesy: https://twitter.com/AustinMousa

Before you ask, just know I asked the same question…How do you ask the wrong girl to prom??? Well, you go to the wrong house, that’s how!

The straight FEAR in Austin’s face is what makes the video truly hilarious! Apparently, Austin’s buddy (the one filming) thought he knew which house belonged to the girl he wanted to ask. Alas, he was VERY mistaken. The good news, Austin did eventually find the correct house.

Good for Austin because if I had been in that same situation, I would have moved to a new town out of pure embarrassment. Also good for the girl in the video for being a good sport but that could have gotten REALLY AWKWARD if she actually wanted to go to prom with Austin.

You can read more about the viral video HERE.

~ Hunter