Teen-Aged Bears Fans Names his Brain Tumor “Aaron Rodgers”

Miguel Reyes
Photo courtesy of Reyes family

Miguel Reyes is a 14-year-old Chicago Bears fan who has named his brain tumorAaron Rodgers.”

Miguel has been fighting a brain tumor for around a year. The tumor has stopped growing, but is still there and causing some issues for the teen including vision problems and seizures.

The family has started a GoFundMe page to raise the money to have Miguel’s dog “Hester” trained as a service dog to help detect the seizures and guide him if his vision gets bad enough.

The dog was named after former Chicago Bears player Devin Hester who now plays for the Atlanta Falcons.

A former teacher and friend of the family named Peg Kelly told Miguel he should name his tumor. Peg says, “I said, ‘You need to name that tumor so we can kill it.’  You know what he named it?  Rodgers.  Aaron Rodgers.  What a stinker!” By the way, Peg is a Green Bay Packers fan. The two friends have a fun rivalry about the opposing pro-football teams.

You can read more about Miguel Reyes in an Elkhart Truth story here.

Wouldn’t it be AWESOME if either the Bears, Devin Hester or even Aaron Rodgers donated the rest of the money need to train Hester!

By: Buck Stevens